Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Reflections: Why Me? -> What Can I Learn From This ...

Sunday Reflections: Why Me? -> What Can I Learn From This?Good and bad times come and go like ebb and flow. If we wouldn?t experience bad moments we wouldn?t be able to appreciate the happy times in our lives. So faced with a problem, in whatever form that is, I find myself going into the victim mode by asking myself the question ?Why Me??


The question ?Why Me?? opens an endless series of questions that put me in the victim mode. ?Why Me?? is not an empowering question but it leaves me with nothing because no answer that I come up with answers it and it leaves me feeling like a victim, powerless without the possibility to do something about it. How do we change this?!

While ?Why Me?? leaves you feeling powerless ?What Can I Learn From This?? puts you back in the driver seat of your life. Why? Asking this gives me the possibility to analyze a situation and look at what I can learn from it.

What happened? How was I in fault? How could I have prevented this situation? What are the lessons learned? See how these questions feel totally different? See it as going in a laboratory in search for answers and lessons that can help you improve yourself.
Sunday Reflections: Why Me? -> What Can I Learn From This?
The tricky thing about ?Why Me?? is that it leads to blame, blaming others for what they did to you. And even though I?m not excusing what others could have done to you, we also could have prevented it. (off course I?m not talking of extreme situations here such as murder, etc!) We?re in charge for whoever we let into our life and if we listen closely we can hear God?s whispers as Oprah calls them, giving you red flags when somebody is not to be trusted. And boy am I stubborn sometimes! Every time I?ve ignored this voice life has shown me that yes that voice was right and faced me with the fact that my intuition was right so why do I ignore it??

Asking the right questions when something bad happens to you will shine a light on something that was hidden to you. Self knowledge is the key to everything so take the time to go over the situation and ask the right questions. Self evaluation is the starting line for self actualization so always ask ?What can I learn from this and how can I use it to be a better person? Learn from it, forgive yourself and others and then move on to the next chapter of your life. And believe me if you don?t take the time to learn from a certain situation that problem will come in another form, in another person and it will persist until you have drawn knowledge from it.
Photo credits: Pinterest

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